An independent, short British film directed by Malcolm Benson, Forget the Pact is about a group of friends, who decide one day to make a pact that they will always just be friends with one another, and nothing more. But, of course, the idea that they can’t be with one another just makes them want it that much more.
Though a low-budget movie, Forget the Pact has a professional looking style. With a dark tone, though not unbearably so; containing some great natural acting; and with an engaging storyline, complete with an unexpected twist, I found myself really enjoying this film. It is the type of simple concept that people may think of making into a film, but rarely do they make it well. And there was an excellent display of emotion by Mo George on the character Frankie – he delivered an explosive, yet romantic character.
It is clear that Benson and his crew know and love movies, and I could see them going far in this business. Definitely worth a viewing.
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