“Jurassic World” is that years-later sequel that attempts to recreate the legacy of the original, but falls short in its method. Though not a complete disaster, due to some interesting new ideas that are hinted upon throughout the scope of the film, it nonetheless suffers from many of the more popular blockbuster flaws. Colin Trevorrow, its director, clearly idolizes Steven Spielberg’s 1993 classic, and often homages it throughout his film. But “Jurassic World,” unfortunately, is not destined to have that same impact.
Film reviews of a variety of genres, from indies to horror to romantic comedies
Cinematic Escapes
Jurassic World: Good Ideas, Bad Execution; Rating: 3/4
2015 Academy Award Predictions
It is here already, the 87th Academy Awards! So, as I have done for the past few years, it is time for me to post my annual predictions. I will try to hit every category, although some of them I am not familiar with, such as Documentary or Live Short Film. For these, I will go with what the general public seems to think will win, and make my best educated guess. Remember, these are what I predict will win, not necessarily what I think should win. So let’s get started! Continue Reading »
The Giver; Rating: 2.5/4
As I have said in the past, I usually try to refrain from comparing movie adaptations too painstakingly to their original novels, and to try to judge them solely on their own merits. In the case of “The Giver,” though, based on the famous novel by Lois Lowry, it’s hard to shrink away from this, as the film version barely scrapes the surface of the novel’s more profound and interesting themes. However, there are at least some small aspects that keep “The Giver” from being a complete disaster. Continue Reading »
The Killing Fields; Rating: 4/4
My review of “The Killing Fields” is a contribution to the 1984 blogathon, hosted by Forgotten Films. 1984 was a great year for movies, and it seems fitting to honor some of the best of them now, since it is 30 years later. I’m happy to be doing a review of “The Killing Fields,” as it is a worthy and admirable film, and one that I would consider to be a modern classic. Continue Reading »
The Expendables 3; Rating: 3/4
The third in the series, “The Expendables 3” is more of the same: it brings together an ensemble cast of iconic 80’s and 90’s action stars, sets up a loose, mostly uninteresting story, and, as to be expected, is chockfull of explosions and gunfights. The only noticeable difference is that this most recent entry is rated PG-13, so as a result, it is less brutal and bloody than the previous two. Ultimately, though, it doesn’t matter too much. We came here to see as many of our action heroes as possible stuffed into one movie, and, on that note at least, “The Expendables 3” delivers. Continue Reading »
Guardians of the Galaxy; Rating: 4/4
Rarely are movies as fun as “Guardians of the Galaxy,” the latest film by Marvel and now the tenth entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It is everything that you want in a summer movie: lively action, impressive special effects, colorful characters, and, dare I say, even a sense of humor. It also includes a diverse and talented cast, including Bradley Cooper as an angry gun-toting raccoon and Chris Pratt in what is likely to be a star-making role (pun intended). If you have ever had a childlike imagination (I would hope so), then you will likely enjoy “Guardians of the Galaxy” as much as I did. Continue Reading »
Under the Skin; Rating: 4/4 vs. Lucy; Rating: 2/4
It’s a fun practice that I like to do when I can, watching two different movies with the same actor back-to-back. It helps to give you a sense of that person’s range, and to see in which types of films they perform their best (or worst). Recently, I was able to do this with Scarlett Johansson’s films “Under The Skin” and “Lucy,” which both premiered this year. Both films touch on science fiction themes, but it is really here that the similarities end. “Under the Skin” is a slow, artful, introspective film. “Lucy,” on the other hand, is the epitome of mainstream Hollywood, where not only the concepts, but the entire presentation is completely ridiculous. They are about as different from each other as night and day. I will start with my review of “Under the Skin.”
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes; Rating: 4/4
So far, the summer of 2014 has been one of the best in recent years. From “Captain America,” to “Godzilla,” to “Edge of Tomorrow,” it has mostly been hit after hit. “Dawn of the Planet of the Apes” (“Dawn”) is yet another entry on this list, as it is not only an enjoyable sci-fi, but somehow becomes a deep and satirical work as well. It is also the 8th movie in the “Planet of the Apes” franchise, and the sequel to 2011’s “Rise of the Planet of the Apes.” Continue Reading »
X-Men: Days of Future Past; Rating: 3/4
“X-Men: Days of Future Past” combines the three almost distinct X-Men franchises: the Wolverine series, the original X-Men series from the early 2000’s, and the prequel series that was recently started with “X-Men: First Class.” As such, the film includes an extensive cast, including actors from all three franchises. It is also possibly the largest and most grandiose of all the X-Men movies. However, it is also the darkest, and possibly least fun of them. I would put “X2” and “X-Men: First Class” as better entries, yet this one comes in a close third place. Continue Reading »
The Fault in Our Stars; Rating: 3.5/4
Before reading the book “The Fault in Our Stars” by John Green, I had almost no interest in the movie. Watch a terminally ill girl struggle with cancer? Sounds too depressing. Yet, as soon as I picked up the book, I couldn’t put it down. It is written in such an engaging way, with lifelike characters, vivid imagery, insightful dialogue, and even a great deal of humor, despite the unpleasant premise. The movie version almost perfectly captures this essence, and although I would give a slight edge to the novel, it is a close call. Continue Reading »
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